Developed and produced in the Netherlands

Market leader in sensor technology and precision agriculture

Discover the benefits of our solutions for your cultivation, yield, cost and planning

Our solutions for your yield, cost and schedule

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Hectares under management
0 + ha

Digital rain gauge

Weather Station

Sensor Technology

Free personal consultation, I would be happy to call you back!

Data from all solutions is accessible within the same app

Developed and produced in NL

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More than 1,000 other farmers in the Netherlands easily use our software and products.

What our customers say about our solutions

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Take advantage of our easy choice tool to receive personalized advice tailored to your situation in three steps. Complete the questions and receive customized advice tailored to your specific needs.
"Agurotech delivers precise, actionable advice tailored to practical, real-life conditions."
Klaas Schenk
Flower bulb grower from Groningen

"*" indicates required fields

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We have received your request. Our team will contact you as soon as possible. We appreciate your interest in Agurotech and look forward to helping you find the best solutions for your agricultural needs.
Meanwhile, watch 1 of our videos
EN: Sensor technology: how does the app work?
In this video, we explain more about how Agurotech's app works when you, the user, have sensor technology installed in your fields.
Prefer direct contact?
"Agurotech provides very concrete advice that is in line with real-world situations."
Klaas Schenk
Flower bulb grower from Groningen

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Gratis persoonlijk advies, ik bel je graag terug!
Free personal consultation, I would be happy to call you back!